
Its not just a township, it's a LIFESTYLE.
A world of tourism, exploring and bringing people together. 

source:google images
"Known as Abomahlalela basekasi, these are people who are seen without a future after their 12 years of schooling" 
kasilife or loxion culture or street-style is a way of life for a lot of black people in South Africa, its a culture that defines them. Kasilife is one of the most common cultures in townships that the youth follows.With the high percentage of youth unemployment in South Africa, these young ones find it difficult to have a future. This culture can be seen or regarded as failure but to others is a lifestyle. This means that they depend on daily hustling to make a living for themselves and in most cases hustling can be done in illegal ways. When one thinks of kasilife they automatically think its associated with violence, poverty, crime and shacks and that gives a negative attitude towards it.

Source: google images

In a township we all have a common culture, the weekend vibes, where everyone is gathered together playing soccer whilst some hang around at the chisa nyama to have meat and beer so as to enjoy themselves. All the activities are the ones that brings them together and unite them. This life is simple as you do not have a deadline of doing things but you can do things at your phase. People who have lived this life for more than 3 years and finally got a chance to pursue somethings in life will tell you that kasilife is boring. It teaches one another lessons about life which can build you as a person.

It may be a township but it has many places that one can visit for relaxation and entertainment. 
Lebos' soweto backpackers
source: google images
Vilakazi street, Soweto
source: google images

The advantages and disadvantages of social media for Practitioners

source: google images

Social media has grown tremendously in the last few years and it has become prominent parts of life for many young people. As PR practitioners, we should use social media to increase awareness of such issues. An advantage for a PR practitioner to use social media to increase awareness about kaslife is that it will, in a way serves as motivation and encouragement to kasi people. This means they will view life in a different way, a way that they'll see a future that is pregnant with possibilities. As the awareness increases, there will be less people on the streets and more on creating a better life for themselves. With PR practitioners being able to reach a large audience of people, this means more people will be aware about of #KasiLife which will be an opportunity for other companies to offer their help.
Although social media can be a great platform to create awareness, it also has its challenges. One of the disadvantage is that there will be negative feedback from the public, this means that the #hashtag wont have a positive message to convey. Negative feedback could also result in more people agreeing on the same thing and with that one has to put a lot of effort in trying to chance peoples' minds.
A practitioner might not be able to convey the message on social media properly as people in large communities or township still prefer to use old communication methods such as community meetings so this will force the PR personnel to also engage in this method. 

Recommendations for strategic use of Social media

PR Practitioners should developed a relationship with its audience in order to avoid negative feedback and it will extend the conversation between the blogger and the audience.
One can also pitch to publications that most people read in townships, such as newspapers,  magazines or trade publication. This will help to create more awareness on different platforms.  I personally think that practitioners should also pay visits to the townships in order to engage more with people who are part of the #hashtag of kasilife.




  1. Kasi is very nice and wonderful place to be, but one problem is that improvement , what could really be the reason for that to be the main issue?

  2. Growing up in kasi is nice but the problem is that a lot of kasi kids don't feel the need to further their studies after matric,they prefer being loafers...in a way growing up in kasi you are condemned to being a loafer as everyone is doing it

    1. That's very much true. That's why we need to change their mindset
      Through socila media and other ways of communication

    2. But its not always the case some are lazy to think outside the box .The government does some how help people be it disadvantage or not BT ppl just like complaining.

  3. Location management..... Growing up ekasi thought me alot....

  4. Kasi life is what defines us and what our daily life is about hence we could really appreciate if it the media could take this serious as it is very important to us.

  5. Kasi life is the best because of the diversity of the nation's,cultures, dress codes and lingo we have however people like to relax and let options slip them to blame the government. Success in life is not with studying but knowing your talent and following it can take you placed.

    1. I think that is why we have a huge percentage of people who are living this life then put the blame on the government.

  6. Born and breed eKasi I wouldn't change that experience for anything mainly because of the culture I grew up in. Walking up to all kinds of sounds; barking dogs, hooting taxis, children playing etc. would you trade that experience for anything??

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Interesting read ...totally love your work


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